After the untimely death of his older siblings, a struggling young architect suddenly becomes a "single parent" for his nephews. When the opportunity for a better life arises, he must choose between his love life, career, or his nephews.
Runtime: 131 minutes
Genre: Drama, Family
Stars: Sheila Dara, Chandra Satria, Neysa Ananda, David Brendi, Ence Bagus, Kartika Widya, Nizar Umar Akbar, Reza Nangin, Mariana Resli, Dimar Han, Prisca Charity Worotikan, Adinegoro Natsir, Sri Suhartini, Chicco Kurniawan, Amanda Rawles, Freya Jayawardana, Ringgo Agus Rahman, Niken Anjani, Kiki Narendra, Maudy KoesnaediShow all > Fatih Unru, Ahmad Nadif, Kawai Labiba, Muhammad Faisal Ashraf, Sarah Mawla, Tahlia Motik, Amanda Gondowijoyo