Santa's Promise

Santa's Promise 2020

Nick's rich Uncle makes a deathbed request: "Give away my fortune and help me save my soul." But the minute he starts, it all goes haywire. His evil twin steals his fiancé, and giving away the cash backfires. Now he's falling for his uncle's secretary. Nick's no saint, but will he keep Santa's Promise and win the girl?

  • Released: 2020-12-01
  • Runtime: 92 minutes
  • Genre: Romance
  • Stars: Billy Chace, Daniel Britt, Landon Mergler, Johanna McGinley, Katie Groneman, Becca Howell, Ted Weil, Keating P. Sharp, Justin McCombs, Maggie Lou Rader, Bob Gerding, Ben Jacobs, Rio O'Neal, Kate Wilford, Matthieu Charbonneau, Jared Doren, Tony Moorman, Darnell Benjamin, Jeremy Dubin, Allen Middleton  Show all >
    Geoffrey Barnes, Nathan Flesh, Tony Million, Amy Barbian, Tony Moorman, Emily Seibert, Josh Katawick, Rory Sheridan, Katie Mitchell, Ray Dzhorgov, Jared Hudson
  • Director: Bill McAdams Jr.