Smile Please

Smile Please 1924

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Our hero is the town's photographer and its sheriff. He' in love with a young woman who's also pursued by the older, more devious Dudley Somerset. First our hero must do a few heroic things, saving the lass from danger. He must also not move too quickly on the romantic front. Once she's willing to marry him, he must balance the duties of groom with that of sheriff, while Dudley tries to convince the lass that our hero is untrue to her...

  • Released: 1924-03-01
  • Runtime: 18 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Stars: Harry Langdon, Alberta Vaughn, Madeline Hurlock, Tiny Ward, Jackie Lucas, Jack Cooper, Billy Armstrong, Louise Carver, Andy Clyde, Cecille Evans, Gordon Lewis
  • Director: Roy Del Ruth