Christmas at the Cupiello House

Christmas at the Cupiello House 1962

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Luca Cupiello lives with the wife Concetta, the son Tommasino, and a brother, Pasquale. The son is wild, living by gimmicks and stealing from his uncle; the daughter Ninuccia does not get along with her husband Nicolino and plans to run away with her lover Vittorio; the wife tries to hide her family's troubles from her husband. Luca, who silently suffers the family situation, takes refuge in setting up the Nativity scene.

  • Released: 1962-01-15
  • Runtime: 109 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy, Drama
  • Stars: Eduardo De Filippo, Nina De Padova, Pietro De Vico, Enzo Cannavale
  • Director: Eduardo De Filippo